


July 5, 2022

              Open   High   Low    Close Change

Jul 22    -      -      -    99.68 -4.00

Oct 22 104.73 105.57 101.38 101.38 -4.00

Dec 22  97.40  97.47  93.48  93.48 -4.00

Mar 23  93.38  93.38  89.37  89.37 -4.00

May 23  90.91  90.91  86.90  86.90 -4.00

Jul 23  87.54  88.40  84.62  84.70 -3.73

Oct 23    -      -      -    80.20 -3.03

Dec 23  80.81  80.82  77.94  78.03 -3.02

Mar 24  80.25  80.26  77.45  77.45 -3.03

May 24  79.70  79.71  76.89  76.89 -3.03

ICE estimated futures volume:33,700





















Cotton Squaring - Selected States

[These 15 States planted 99% of the 2021 cotton acreage]


                                   :            Week ending            :          


      State         :  July 3,  : June 26,  :  July 3,  : 2017-2021

                                    :   2021    :   2022    :   2022    :  Average 


                 :                    percent                   


Alabama .........:    48          47          66          56    

Arizona .........:    88          76          91          80     

Arkansas ........:    58          51          76          78    

California ......:    65          35          50          53    

Georgia .........:    67          42          63          62    

Kansas ..........:    42          28          51          31    

Louisiana .......:    75          83          88          79    

Mississippi .....:    39          31          49          47    

Missouri ........:    87          27          52          49    

North Carolina ..:    41          26          40          52    

Oklahoma ........:    19          10          25          27    

South Carolina ..:    47          29          50          45    

Tennessee .......:    46          33          43          54    

Texas ...........:    34          29          35          35    

Virginia ........:    38          49          62          50    


15 States .......:    42          33          44          44    



Cotton Setting Bolls - Selected States

[These 15 States planted 99% of the 2021 cotton acreage]


                                  :               Week ending               :            


      State        :   July 3,   :  June 26,   :   July 3,   :  2017-2021 

                                  :    2021     :    2022     :    2022     :   Average  


                :                        percent                       


Alabama ........:     12             2            10            12     

Arizona ........:     39            17            36            30     

Arkansas .......:      9             2            11            23     

California .....:     14             5            10             7     

Georgia ........:      9             5            14            13     

Kansas .........:      -             -             -             1     

Louisiana ......:     18            12            21            28     

Mississippi ....:      3             3            11             8     

Missouri .......:     13             -            15             6     

North Carolina .:      1             -             -             4     

Oklahoma .......:      -             -             -             1     

South Carolina .:      6             2            12             6     

Tennessee ......:      3             3            10             8     

Texas ..........:     13            12            15            13     

Virginia .......:      8            14            28             3     


15 States ......:     10             8            13            12     


-  Represents zero.                                                    


Cotton Condition - Selected States: Week Ending July 3, 2022

[These 15 States planted 99% of the 2021 cotton acreage]


      State        : Very poor :   Poor    :   Fair    :   Good    : Excellent


                :                          percent                         


Alabama ........:     -           4          33          60           3    

Arizona ........:     -           -          14          58          28    

Arkansas .......:     1           2          22          43          32    

California .....:     -           -           5          90           5    

Georgia ........:     1           9          40          44           6    

Kansas .........:     -           1          51          45           3    

Louisiana ......:     1           3          11          78           7    

Mississippi ....:     1           4          23          65           7    

Missouri .......:     8          11          18          63           -    

North Carolina .:     -          13          33          53           1    

Oklahoma .......:     2          11          43          44           -    

South Carolina .:     3           7          25          55          10    

Tennessee ......:    13          13          26          43           5    

Texas ..........:    27          21          35          17           -    

Virginia .......:     -           -          20          80           -    


15 States ......:    16          15          33          33           3    


Previous week ..:    12          18          33          34           3    

Previous year ..:     1           9          38          44           8    


-  Represents zero.


For comparison to last week:


Cotton Condition - Selected States: Week Ending June 26, 2022

[These 15 States planted 99% of the 2021 cotton acreage]


      State        : Very poor :   Poor    :   Fair    :   Good    : Excellent


                :                          percent                         


Alabama ........:     -           4          20          73           3    

Arizona ........:     -           -          17          49          34    

Arkansas .......:     1           1          20          50          28    

California .....:     -           -          15          80           5    

Georgia ........:     1          10          33          51           5    

Kansas .........:     1           2          57          39           1    

Louisiana ......:     1           3          19          73           4    

Mississippi ....:     7          11          19          56           7    

Missouri .......:     6           8          26          60           -    

North Carolina .:     1          14          33          50           2    

Oklahoma .......:     3           9          35          53           -    

South Carolina .:     4          10          27          52           7    

Tennessee ......:     9          11          34          42           4    

Texas ..........:    20          26          37          17           -    

Virginia .......:     -           -          18          82           -    


15 States ......:    12          18          33          34           3    


Previous week ..:     8          18          34          36           4    

Previous year ..:     1           6          41          43           9    


-  Represents zero.