

ICE No. 2 Cotton

AUGUST 12,2024

          Open      High      Low       Settle    Change

Oct '24   67.55     69.95     67.55     68.29     +120

Dec '24   68.34     70.80     68.12     69.07     +73

Mar '25   69.77     71.98     69.55     70.50     +82

May '25   70.96     72.85     70.82     71.72     +81

July '25  71.74     73.39     71.74     72.50     +76

Oct '25     -         -         -       71.67     +89

Dec '25   70.29     71.35     70.29     70.82     +72

Mar '26   72.34     72.34     72.13     72.13     +71

May '26   73.20     73.20     72.91     72.91     +71

July '26  73.88     73.88     73.56     73.56     +71

ICE estimated futures volume: 56,400   








本日米国農務省月間需給報告が発表された。供給面で大きな修正が入ったことで、強材料となって発表直後、相場を押し上げた。米綿2024/2025 CROPの生産量が前月の1,700万俵から約190万俵下方修正され、1,511万俵と報告されている。事前の市場予想は1,575万 – 1,900万俵であった。米綿減産予想の背景には、作付面積が6月末の発表から50万エーカー減少し、また放棄率が6%上昇するとの予想が挙げられていることがある。

また2024/2025 CROPの米綿の輸出量も前回の報告から100万俵下方修正されている。








DJ USDA Supply/Demand: World Cotton - Aug 12


Mon Aug 12 12:01:23 2024 EDT


                               World Cotton Supply and Use 1/

                                (Million 480-pound bales)


                     beginning                domestic exports         ending

                       stocks   prod  imports    use           loss 2/ stocks


                                           2024/25 (Projected)


                  Jul   79.31  120.19   44.59  117.19   44.59   -0.32   82.63

                  Aug   75.78  117.64   43.63  116.21   43.54   -0.31   77.61

World Less China

                  Jul   38.31   92.69   33.09   78.19   44.52   -0.32   41.70

                  Aug   38.15   90.14   33.63   78.21   43.47   -0.31   40.55

United States

                  Jul    3.05   17.00    0.01    1.90   13.00   -0.15    5.30

                  Aug    3.15   15.11    0.01    1.90   12.00   -0.14    4.50

Total foreign

                  Jul   76.26  103.19   44.59  115.29   31.59   -0.18   77.33

                  Aug   72.63  102.53   43.63  114.31   31.54   -0.18   73.11

Major exporters 4/

                  Jul   25.81   59.88    2.20   34.71   27.41   -0.18   25.95

                  Aug   25.64   59.22    2.70   34.68   27.33   -0.18   25.71

Central Asia 5/   Jul    3.38    5.19    0.03    4.08    1.40    0.00    3.12

                  Aug    3.38    5.19    0.03    4.08    1.40    0.00    3.12

Afr Fr Z 6/       Jul    1.33    5.12      3/    0.10    4.90    0.00    1.45

                  Aug    1.28    4.92      3/    0.10    4.78    0.00    1.32

S Hemis 7/        Jul   10.09   24.05    0.15    4.36   19.18   -0.18   10.92

                  Aug   10.08   24.05    0.15    4.36   19.18   -0.18   10.91

Australia         Jul    4.15    5.00      3/    0.01    5.40   -0.18    3.91

                  Aug    4.15    5.00      3/    0.01    5.40   -0.18    3.91

Brazil            Jul    3.19   16.70    0.01    3.30   12.50    0.00    4.10

                  Aug    3.17   16.70    0.01    3.30   12.50    0.00    4.08

India             Jul   10.67   25.00    1.50   25.50    1.50    0.00   10.17

                  Aug   10.57   24.50    2.00   25.50    1.50    0.00   10.07

Major importers 8/

                  Jul   48.03   39.82   39.71   76.27    2.39    0.00   48.90

                  Aug   44.59   39.82   38.26   75.32    2.39    0.00   44.96

Mexico            Jul    0.25    0.80    0.90    1.50    0.20    0.00    0.25

                  Aug    0.24    0.80    0.95    1.55    0.20    0.00    0.24

China             Jul   41.01   27.50   11.50   39.00    0.08    0.00   40.93

                  Aug   37.63   27.50   10.00   38.00    0.08    0.00   37.06

European Union 9/ Jul    0.43    1.36    0.55    0.57    1.25    0.00    0.52

                  Aug    0.35    1.36    0.55    0.57    1.25    0.00    0.44

Turkey            Jul    1.43    4.00    4.70    7.50    0.80    0.00    1.83

                  Aug    1.43    4.00    4.80    7.60    0.80    0.00    1.83

Pakistan          Jul    1.63    6.00    3.90    9.50    0.05    0.00    1.98

                  Aug    1.65    6.00    4.00    9.60    0.05    0.00    2.00

Indonesia         Jul    0.40      3/    2.00    2.00    0.01    0.00    0.39

                  Aug    0.40      3/    2.00    2.00    0.01    0.00    0.39

Thailand          Jul    0.10      3/    0.40    0.42    0.00    0.00    0.09

                  Aug    0.10      3/    0.40    0.42    0.00    0.00    0.09

Bangladesh        Jul    1.59    0.16    8.00    8.00    0.00    0.00    1.74

                  Aug    1.59    0.16    7.80    7.80    0.00    0.00    1.74

Vietnam           Jul    1.05      3/    7.10    7.10    0.00    0.00    1.05

                  Aug    1.05      3/    7.10    7.10    0.00    0.00    1.05


1/ Marketing year beginning August 1. Totals may not add exactly and trade

   may not balance due to rounding and other factors.       2/ Generally

   reflects cotton lost or destroyed in the marketing channel; for Australia

   and the United States, reflects the difference between implicit stocks

   based on supply less total use and indicated ending stocks.  3/ Less than

   5,000 bales.  4/ Includes Egypt and Syria in addition to the countries and

   regions listed.  5/ Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,

   Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.  6/ Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central

   African Republic, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo.  7/

   Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Lesotho, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, and

   Zimbabwe. 8/ In addition to the countries and regions listed, includes

   Japan, Russia, South Korea, and Taiwan. 9/ Includes intra-EU trade.


Write to Taryn Boss at csstat@dowjones.com


  (END) Dow Jones Newswires


DJ USDA Supply/Demand: World Cotton - 2


Mon Aug 12 12:01:27 2024 EDT


                      World Cotton Supply and Use 1/  (continued)

                              (Million 480-pound bales)


                 beginning                  domestic  exports            ending

                   stocks     prod  imports      use            loss 2/  stocks


                                           2023/24 (Estimated)

World               75.27   113.58    43.41   112.35    44.73    -0.61    75.78

World Less China    42.21    86.23    28.61    74.85    44.66    -0.61    38.15

United States        4.25    12.07     0.01     1.85    11.75    -0.43     3.15

Total Foreign       71.02   101.51    43.40   110.50    32.98    -0.18    72.63

Major exporters 4/  27.23    58.70     1.53    33.76    28.24    -0.18    25.64

Central Asia 5/      3.63     5.20     0.01     3.86     1.61     0.00     3.38

Afr. Fr. Zone 6/     0.96     4.96       3/     0.10     4.54     0.00     1.28

S Hemis 7/          11.34    21.87     0.15     4.15    19.30    -0.18    10.08

Australia            4.78     5.00       3/     0.01     5.80    -0.18     4.15

Brazil               4.01    14.57     0.01     3.10    12.31     0.00     3.17

India               10.82    26.20     0.88    25.00     2.33     0.00    10.57

Major importers 8/  41.47    39.36    39.37    72.65     2.97     0.00    44.59

Mexico               0.38     0.90     0.70     1.50     0.23     0.00     0.24

China               33.06    27.35    14.80    37.50     0.08     0.00    37.63

European Union 9/    0.39     1.05     0.50     0.53     1.06     0.00     0.35

Turkey               2.63     3.20     3.50     6.50     1.40     0.00     1.43

Pakistan             1.53     6.70     3.00     9.40     0.18     0.00     1.65

Indonesia            0.36       3/     1.83     1.78     0.02     0.00     0.40

Thailand             0.14       3/     0.42     0.46     0.00     0.00     0.10

Bangladesh           1.73     0.16     7.30     7.60     0.00     0.00     1.59

Vietnam              1.05       3/     6.70     6.70     0.00     0.00     1.05


World               70.16   116.46    37.65   112.64    37.09    -0.73    75.27

World Less China    36.29    85.71    31.42    74.94    37.00    -0.73    42.21

United States        4.05    14.47       3/     2.05    12.77    -0.55     4.25

Total Foreign       66.11   102.00    37.65   110.59    24.33    -0.19    71.02

Major exporters 4/  21.76    55.76     2.38    32.81    20.05    -0.20    27.23

Central Asia 5/      2.73     5.54     0.01     3.53     1.12     0.00     3.63

Afr. Fr. Zone 6/     1.01     4.02       3/     0.10     3.98     0.00     0.96

S Hemis 7/           9.19    19.32     0.14     4.12    13.39    -0.20    11.34

Australia            4.98     5.80       3/     0.01     6.19    -0.20     4.78

Brazil               2.05    11.72     0.01     3.11     6.66     0.00     4.01

India                8.40    26.30     1.73    24.50     1.10     0.00    10.82

Major importers 8/  42.47    42.93    32.86    73.77     3.01     0.02    41.47

Mexico               0.32     1.58     0.69     1.80     0.41     0.00     0.38

China               33.87    30.75     6.23    37.70     0.09     0.00    33.06

European Union 9/    0.30     1.64     0.52     0.56     1.52     0.00     0.39

Turkey               1.92     4.90     4.19     7.50     0.86     0.02     2.63

Pakistan             1.93     3.90     4.50     8.70     0.10     0.00     1.53

Indonesia            0.46       3/     1.66     1.75     0.02     0.00     0.36

Thailand             0.15       3/     0.66     0.68     0.00     0.00     0.14

Bangladesh           2.28     0.15     7.00     7.70     0.00     0.00     1.73

Vietnam              1.02       3/     6.47     6.45     0.00     0.00     1.05


1/ Marketing year beginning August 1. Totals may not add exactly and trade

   may not balance due to rounding and other factors.       2/ Generally

   reflects cotton lost or destroyed in the marketing channel; for Australia

   and the United States, reflects the difference between implicit stocks

   based on supply less total use and indicated ending stocks.  3/ Less than

   5,000 bales.  4/ Includes Egypt and Syria in addition to the countries and

   regions listed.  5/ Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,

   Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.  6/ Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central

   African Republic, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo.  7/

   Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Lesotho, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, and

   Zimbabwe. 8/ In addition to the countries and regions listed, includes

   Japan, Russia, South Korea, and Taiwan. 9/ Includes intra-EU trade.


Write to Taryn Boss at csstat@dowjones.com


  (END) Dow Jones Newswires


DJ USDA Crop Production: U.S. All Cotton-Aug 12


Mon Aug 12 12:01:53 2024 EDT





         Cotton:  Area Harvested, Yield, and Production by Type, State,

          and United States, 2023 and Forecasted Aug 1, 2024


   Type     Area Harvested         Yield            Production 1/

    and   ==============================================================

   State   2023      2024     2023     2024       2023      2024


          ==1,000 Acres==   === Pounds ===       == 1,000 Bales 2/ ==


AL        374.0     395.0      937      881      730.0     725.0

AZ         75.0      94.0    1,331    1,557      208.0     305.0

AR        505.0     640.0    1,295    1,238    1,362.0   1,650.0

CA         12.8      21.6    2,025    2,000       54.0      90.0

FL         87.0      84.0      612      657      111.0     115.0

GA      1,100.0   1,090.0      949      947    2,175.0   2,150.0

KS         94.0     120.0      761      760      149.0     190.0

LA        115.0     150.0      872    1,008      209.0     315.0

MS        395.0     515.0    1,083    1,118      891.0   1,200.0

MO        330.0     380.0    1,361    1,213      936.0     960.0


NM         17.0      27.0      649      889       23.0      50.0

NC        370.0     400.0      933      912      719.0     760.0

OK        180.0     315.0      560      655      210.0     430.0

SC        207.0     220.0      937      829      404.0     380.0

TN        260.0     250.0    1,250    1,056      677.0     550.0

TX      2,100.0   3,650.0      618      592    2,705.0   4,500.0

VA         80.0      90.0    1,122      987      187.0     185.0


U.S.    6,301.8   8,441.6      895      828   11,750.0  14,555.0


Amer Pima

AZ         16.0      14.0      900      891       30.0      26.0

CA         82.0     135.0    1,346    1,582      230.0     445.0

NM         16.8      14.0      800      754       28.0      22.0

TX         23.0      29.0      584      993       28.0      60.0


U.S.      137.8     192.0    1,101    1,383      316.0     553.0


All Cotton

AL        374.0     395.0      937      881      730.0     725.0

AZ         91.0     108.0    1,255    1,471      238.0     331.0

AR        505.0     640.0    1,295    1,238    1,362.0   1,650.0

CA         94.8     156.6    1,438    1,640      284.0     535.0

FL         87.0      84.0      612      657      111.0     115.0

GA      1,100.0   1,090.0      949      947    2,175.0   2,150.0

KS         94.0     120.0      761      760      149.0     190.0

LA        115.0     150.0      872    1,008      209.0     315.0

MS        395.0     515.0    1,083    1,118      891.0   1,200.0

MO        330.0     380.0    1,361    1,213      936.0     960.0


NM         33.8      41.0      724      843       51.0      72.0

NC        370.0     400.0      933      912      719.0     760.0

OK        180.0     315.0      560      655      210.0     430.0

SC        207.0     220.0      937      829      404.0     380.0

TN        260.0     250.0    1,250    1,056      677.0     550.0

TX      2,123.0   3,679.0      618      595    2,733.0   4,560.0

VA         80.0      90.0    1,122      987      187.0     185.0


U.S.    6,439.6   8,633.6      899      840   12,066.0  15,108.0


1/  Production ginned and to be ginned.

2/  480-pound net weight bales.



                     Cottonseed:  Production, United States,

                      2023-24 and Forecasted Aug 1, 2024




                       2023                    2024 1/


                                 1,000 Tons

U.S.                3,644.0                 4,605.0


1/  Based on a 3-year average lint-seed ratio.


Write to Valena Henderson at csstat@dowjones.com


  (END) Dow Jones Newswires


DJ USDA Supply/Demand: U.S. Cotton - Aug 12


Mon Aug 12 12:01:59 2024 EDT


                                    U.S. Cotton Supply and Use 1/


Item                        2023/2024                   2024/2025

                        prev        Aug 12          prev         Aug 12



                        Million acres

Planted                 10.23        10.23       11.67 **          11.17

Harvested                6.44         6.44        9.67 **           8.63


Yield per harv. acre      899          899         844 **            840

                        Million 480 pound bales

Beginning stocks         4.25         4.25           3.05           3.15

Production              12.07        12.07          17.00          15.11

Imports                  0.01         0.01           0.01           0.01

Supply, total           16.32        16.32          20.06          18.27

Domestic use             1.85         1.85           1.90           1.90

Exports, total          11.60        11.75          13.00          12.00

Use, total              13.45        13.60          14.90          13.90

Unaccounted 2/          -0.18        -0.43          -0.15          -0.14

Ending stocks            3.05         3.15           5.30           4.50

Avg. farm price 3/      76.00        76.00          68.00          66.00


Note:  1/ Upland and extra-long staple; marketing year beginning August 1.

Totals may not add due to rounding. 2/ Reflects the difference between the

previous season's supply less total use and ending stocks. 3/ Cents per pound

for upland cotton. **Planted area as reported in June 28, 2024 Acreage

report. Harvested area based on 10-year average abandonment by region with

the Southwest adjusted to reflect moisture conditions. Yield based on 5-year

average yield by region.


Write to Linda Rice at csstat@dowjones.com


  (END) Dow Jones Newswires





Cotton Squaring - Selected States

[These 15 States planted 99% of the 2023 cotton acreage]


                 :            Week ending            :          


      State      :August 11, : August 4, :August 11, : 2019-2023

                 :   2023    :   2024    :   2024    :  Average 


                 :                    percent                   


Alabama .........:     97          96          98          98   

Arizona .........:    100         100         100         100   

Arkansas ........:    100          99         100         100   

California ......:     96          95         100          97   

Georgia .........:     97          95          97          98   

Kansas ..........:     93          96          97          92   

Louisiana .......:     99          93          98         100   

Mississippi .....:     95          97          99          95   

Missouri ........:     99          93          98          93   

North Carolina ..:     96          98          99          96   

Oklahoma ........:     94          95         100          95   

South Carolina ..:     98          99         100          97   

Tennessee .......:     95          97          99          97   

Texas ...........:     94          87          95          93   

Virginia ........:     99          98         100          98   


15 States .......:     95          91          96          95   



Cotton Setting Bolls - Selected States

[These 15 States planted 99% of the 2023 cotton acreage]


                :               Week ending               :            


      State     : August 11,  :  August 4,  : August 11,  :  2019-2023 

                :    2023     :    2024     :    2024     :   Average  


                :                        percent                       


Alabama ........:     87            72            77            86     

Arizona ........:     98            96            99            95     

Arkansas .......:     92            91            93            96     

California .....:     56            60            70            74     

Georgia ........:     78            69            78            83     

Kansas .........:     77            72            84            63     

Louisiana ......:     88            75            82            94     

Mississippi ....:     83            74            84            83     

Missouri .......:     81            56            66            71     

North Carolina .:     72            79            86            77     

Oklahoma .......:     69            50            65            61     

South Carolina .:     79            88            93            80     

Tennessee ......:     80            74            86            80     

Texas ..........:     61            51            69            67     

Virginia .......:     80            81            89            83     


15 States ......:     69            60            74            73     



Cotton Bolls Opening - Selected States

[These 15 States planted 99% of the 2023 cotton acreage]


                :               Week ending               :            


      State     : August 11,  :  August 4,  : August 11,  :  2019-2023 

                :    2023     :    2024     :    2024     :   Average  


                :                        percent                       


Alabama ........:      4             1             6             3     

Arizona ........:     45            57            64            33     

Arkansas .......:      5            13            28             6     

California .....:      -             -             -             -     

Georgia ........:      2             1             3             4     

Kansas .........:      6             2             8             4     

Louisiana ......:     17             4            15            22     

Mississippi ....:     11             1             5            10     

Missouri .......:      -             -             -             -     

North Carolina .:      1             -             2             1     

Oklahoma .......:      -             -             -             1     

South Carolina .:      2             1             3             1     

Tennessee ......:      4             2             4             2     

Texas ..........:     16            11            17            18     

Virginia .......:      5             -             3             2     


15 States ......:     12             8            13            12     


-  Represents zero.                                                    


Cotton Condition - Selected States: Week Ending August 11, 2024

[These 15 States planted 99% of the 2023 cotton acreage]


      State     : Very poor :   Poor    :   Fair    :   Good    : Excellent


                :                          percent                         


Alabama ........:     1           9          28          59           3    

Arizona ........:     -           2           -          47          51    

Arkansas .......:     1           5          18          50          26    

California .....:     -           -           -          95           5    

Georgia ........:     1           9          29          53           8    

Kansas .........:     1           9          39          42           9    

Louisiana ......:     -           -          26          74           -    

Mississippi ....:     2           7          34          52           5    

Missouri .......:     5           9          31          55           -    

North Carolina .:     1          11          21          66           1    

Oklahoma .......:     1           3          35          59           2    

South Carolina .:     2          12          38          46           2    

Tennessee ......:     3           6          25          56          10    

Texas ..........:    15          22          30          26           7    

Virginia .......:     -           7          23          68           2    


15 States ......:     9          16          29          39           7    


Previous week ..:    12          15          28          37           8    

Previous year ..:    19          24          21          30           6    


-  Represents zero.         


