February 9, 2021
Open High Low Close Change
Mar 21 84.40 87.13 84.40 86.93 +2.65
May 21 86.00 88.32 85.73 88.13 +2.53
Jul 21 86.50 89.08 86.50 88.89 +2.46
Oct 21 83.32 83.58 83.32 84.42 +1.70
Dec 21 82.20 83.79 82.19 83.67 +1.55
Mar 22 82.25 83.72 82.25 83.76 +1.46
May 22 81.89 82.91 81.89 83.10 +1.37
Jul 22 80.89 81.98 80.89 82.08 +1.20
Oct 22 - - - 77.53 +1.20
Dec 22 73.90 74.55 73.90 74.43 +.55
ICE estimated futures volume:90,900
3月限は寄り付きから小高く推移。米国早朝から急上昇したが、米国農務省より2月度の需給報告がリリースされると一時下落。その後再度値を戻した。結果、前日比265ポイント高の86.93/lb 推定出来高は90,900枚。
綿花相場は強気な需給報告への期待感が高まり、発表前から値を上げていたが、発表されたレポートでは注目を集めていた米綿の生産量は据え置き、輸出数量は25万俵の上方修正と市場予想の範囲内に収まる結果となった。しかしながら、米綿生産量の下方修正に対する予想は根強く、最後のGinning Reportが発表される5月までには更なる下方修正が入るとみるアナリストも多い。
World Cotton Supply and Use 1/
(Million 480-pound bales)
beginning domestic exports ending
stocks prod imports use use loss 2/ stocks
2020/21 (Projected)
Jan 99.28 112.87 43.55 115.73 43.56 0.09 96.32
Feb 98.92 114.14 43.92 117.21 43.90 0.14 95.74
World Less China
Jan 62.38 85.37 33.05 77.23 43.43 0.09 60.04
Feb 62.03 85.14 32.92 77.71 43.78 0.14 58.46
United States
Jan 7.25 14.95 3/ 2.40 15.25 -0.04 4.60
Feb 7.25 14.95 3/ 2.40 15.50 0.01 4.30
Total foreign
Jan 92.03 97.91 43.54 113.33 28.31 0.13 91.72
Feb 91.67 99.19 43.91 114.81 28.40 0.13 91.44
Major exporters 4/
Jan 40.48 57.17 1.71 32.88 24.31 0.02 42.15
Feb 40.13 56.75 1.51 33.18 24.35 0.02 40.83
Central Asia 5/ Jan 2.72 5.83 3/ 4.19 1.58 0.00 2.78
Feb 2.72 5.83 3/ 4.19 1.58 0.00 2.78
Afr Fr Z 6/ Jan 2.30 4.77 3/ 0.14 4.72 0.00 2.21
Feb 2.29 4.77 3/ 0.14 4.82 0.00 2.09
S Hemis 7/ Jan 17.32 16.73 0.16 3.92 12.74 0.01 17.54
Feb 17.29 16.80 0.16 3.92 12.69 0.01 17.63
Australia Jan 0.80 2.50 3/ 0.04 1.50 0.00 1.77
Feb 0.80 2.60 3/ 0.04 1.50 0.00 1.87
Brazil Jan 14.40 12.00 0.03 3.00 10.00 0.00 13.43
Feb 14.40 12.00 0.03 3.00 10.00 0.00 13.43
India Jan 17.88 29.50 1.00 24.00 5.00 0.00 19.38
Feb 17.58 29.00 0.80 24.30 5.00 0.00 18.08
Major Importers 8/
Jan 49.07 37.58 39.33 76.53 2.58 0.11 46.76
Feb 49.07 39.28 39.90 77.71 2.63 0.11 47.80
Mexico Jan 0.67 1.05 0.75 1.60 0.30 0.03 0.54
Feb 0.67 1.05 0.80 1.60 0.35 0.03 0.54
China Jan 36.90 27.50 10.50 38.50 0.13 0.00 36.27
Feb 36.90 29.00 11.00 39.50 0.13 0.00 37.27
Turkey Jan 2.77 2.90 4.50 7.20 0.45 0.00 2.52
Feb 2.77 2.90 4.60 7.30 0.45 0.00 2.52
Pakistan Jan 3.39 4.30 4.90 10.00 0.05 0.03 2.52
Feb 3.39 4.50 5.00 10.20 0.05 0.03 2.62
Indonesia Jan 0.64 3/ 2.60 2.70 0.00 0.00 0.54
Feb 0.64 3/ 2.40 2.55 0.00 0.00 0.49
Thailand Jan 0.10 3/ 0.68 0.65 0.00 0.03 0.11
Feb 0.10 3/ 0.60 0.58 0.00 0.03 0.10
Bangladesh Jan 2.52 0.15 6.90 7.30 0.00 0.01 2.25
Feb 2.52 0.15 7.00 7.40 0.00 0.01 2.25
Vietnam Jan 1.41 3/ 6.70 6.70 0.00 0.00 1.41
Feb 1.41 3/ 6.70 6.70 0.00 0.00 1.41
1/ Marketing year beginning August 1. Totals may not add exactly and trade
may not balance due to rounding and other factors. 2/ Generally
reflects cotton lost or destroyed in the marketing channel; for Australia
Brazil China and the United States reflects the difference between
implicit stocks based on supply less total use and indicated ending
stocks. 3/ Less than 5 000 bales. 4/ Includes Egypt and Syria in
addition to the countries and regions listed. 5/ Azerbaijan Kazakhstan
Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. 6/ Benin Burkina
Faso Cameroon Central African Republic Chad Cote d'Ivoire Mali N